Graham Clarke Hon M.A. ARCA Chevalier de la Confrerie Du Cep Archechois
- Art and Art Education
- Wine
- Family and Village life
- English history, especially Kent
- Boughton Monchelsea Youth Orchestra average age 68 (Leader)
- Fish and fish cookery
Useful Information
- President, Protect Kent (CPRE Kent)
- President, Maidstone Visual Arts Network
- Chevalier de la Confrerie du cep Archechois
- Chairman, Pedifund (Maidstone Hospital Children's ward charity)
- Patron, Canterbury Oast Trust
- Patron Maidstone Age Concern
- Patron, Valley Park Community School Visual Arts
- President, Boughton Monchelsea P.T.A.
- Member Two Senior Common Rooms University of Kent
- Author, illustrator of a dozen books (humour, travel, wine, history)
- Hazlitt Arts Centre names their gallery 'Graham Clarke'
- Member Art Workers Guild
- Founder Governor and Hon Associate of KIAD, now University of Creative Arts
- Links with Japan, Norway, France, Germany, Switzerland, Greece and Australia
- Has works in Royal Collections, UK, Japan and Norway
- Also Victoria & Albert, National Library, Congress USA, Hiroshima Peace Museum and Bodlean Oxford
- Graham Clarke Ltd are the sole publishers and worldwide distributors of the artists' prints and books
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